Marvellous mermaid by Erin Perry |
From the Dublin Courier, 13th July 1761.
The following extraordinary account we have received from a person of unquestionable veracity in the county of Wexford. -- As a company of gentlemen, seven in number, were lately taking an evening's walk by the sea side in that county, they perceived, at the distance of forty yards, a living creature erect above the water, representing from its breasts the female human species, having a pleasing aspect, of a tawny complexion, long black hair waving on her shoulders agreeable to the motion of the water: and at a small distance further, another creature of like form, supposed to be its consort was observed in the same attitude. The spectators, struck with admiration, were at a loss to determine what these new objects could be except they were Mermaids, whose description by the ancients exactly corresponded with their appearance in every particular. While the gentlemen continued walking for two miles along the shore, these strange beings kept peace [sic] with them.
Pub. Gazetteer.
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